Wednesday, June 20, 2007

View from the Hill--Carnegie's KEEP Toolkit as ePortfolio

The view from the top of the hill is magnificent as we drive up next to the 18th fairway on the Stanford Golf course to the Carnegie Foundation. Our consortium of community colleges and CSU's in N. California has been meeting once a month all year (Fall 2006-07) to scheme on ePortfolio solutions. We've been working all year on cracking open the puzzle of migratory students, who move between 2 year campuses as well as the 2 Yr. to 4 Yr. transfer issues using ePortfolios as as way to document and track students.
Yesterday and today, we are exploring the use of the KEEP toolkit for student portfolios. developed at the Knowledge Media Lab at Carnegie, KEEP was designed for instructors to be able to make quick "snaphot" websites of their best practices.
But on several of our campuses, we have been using the KEEP tool to create student sites.
For example, at SFSU, our English Education students are documenting their work:
The URL's for these portfolios have been unfriendly--today we learned that there is a new version of the toolkit that will shorten URL's and add a tagging function to make it easier to find one's work.
Our 2 days of work together (CSM, SFCC, De Anza, Skyline, SFSU, East Bay, Stanford) was fruitful. We deepened our discussions around use of ePortfolios in advising, transfer and at the course, program and institutional levels. Small group work yielded insights and anchored some pilots for the coming year within and between our campuses.
At Carnegie, we heard about their new "Teaching Commons" archive--an extension of a search able Gallery of snapshots, and a renegade "build-out" of KEEP by some grad students at Claremont College "KEEP Social Learning Suite 1.0".
Lots of potential & we will be creating a KEEP site for our DTLC (Digital Teaching & Learning Consortium) activities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.