Friday, June 8, 2007

In the beginning...

there was the portfolio process...

My background is in the performing arts, so the concept of product/performance based review and assessment comes Cal Arts, portfolios were required for admission, and both formative and summative review. We were asked to write a reflective statement for each course, which was met by instructor review of your work--this provided a kind of reflective dialogue between students and faculty.

While this may not be possible or desirable in all disciplines, the concept of reflecting on your work and projecting how the product, performance, or evidence might be of use in your professional development is central to my definition of a portfolio.

So when we required all of the students in the Master of Public Health Program to create "eFolios", I figured I'd better set one up for myself as well:
Luckily, the Minnesota-created software (Avenet & MNSCU) made it easy and fun!

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